Getting Started with Weep

Using Weep, the ConsoleMe CLI

Weep is a CLI tool that makes it easy to use credentials from ConsoleMe for local development.

Weep offers five methods to serve credentials:

  1. Source credentials with credential_process

  2. Export credentials to environment variables

  3. Write credentials to file

Read about AWS configuration settings and precedence for information about precedence of credential sources.


Binaries can be downloaded from the GitHub release page:

Download the correct binary for your platform and place it in your path.


Weep is a CLI tool that manages AWS access via ConsoleMe for local development.

  weep [command]

Available Commands:
  credential_process Retrieve credentials on the fly via the AWS SDK
  export             Retrieve credentials to be exported as environment variables
  file               Retrieve credentials and save them to a credentials file
  help               Help about any command
  imds               Run a local Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) endpoint that serves credentials
  list               List available roles
  serve              Run a local ECS Credential Provider endpoint that serves and caches credentials for roles on demand
  setup              Print setup information
  version            Print version information

  -A, --assume-role strings   one or more roles to assume after retrieving credentials
  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.weep.yaml)
  -h, --help                  help for weep
      --log-file string       log file path (default "tmp/weep.log")
      --log-format string     log format (json or tty)
      --log-level string      log level (debug, info, warn)
  -n, --no-ip                 remove IP restrictions

Use "weep [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Last updated