ConsoleMe can directly authenticate users against an OIDC identity provider. We have an example configuration here.

The settings that must be defined for the OIDC flow to work are as follows:

  get_user_by_oidc: true
  force_redirect_to_identity_provider: false
  set_auth_cookie: true

  resource: <REPLACE>
  metadata_url: https://dev-123456.okta.com/oauth2/default/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server
  # If you have a metadata URL and it returns JSON with authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, and jwks_uri, you do
  # not need to specify those values in the configuration.
  #authorization_endpoint: https://dev-123456.okta.com/oauth2/default/v1/authorize
  #token_endpoint: https://dev-123456.okta.com/oauth2/default/v1/token
  #jwks_uri: https://dev-123456.okta.com/oauth2/default/v1/keys
  jwt_verify: true
  jwt_email_key: email
  jwt_groups_key: groups
  grant_type: authorization_code
  id_token_response_key: id_token
  access_token_response_key: access_token
  access_token_audience: "consoleme"

  client_id: <REPLACE>
  secret: <REPLACE>
    - email
    - groups
    - openid


  1. Update ConsoleMe's configuration with your configuration parameters (This is under get_user_by_oidc_settings). Example

  2. Update ConsoleMe's configuration with your client ID, client secret, and scopes. (This is under oidc_secrets). Example

  3. Start ConsoleMe with your desired configuration, and test the flow:

CONFIG_LOCATION=example_config/example_config_oidc.yaml python consoleme/__main__.py

Last updated

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