Celery Tasks

ConsoleMe uses Celery to run tasks on schedule or on demand. Celery consists of one scheduler, and number of workers.

ConsoleMe's celery tasks perform the following functions:

Task NameDescriptionFrequency


Retrieves a list of your AWS accounts. In your primary region, this task will invoke a celery task ( cache_iam_resources_for_account ) for each account. In other regions, ConsoleMe will attempt to retreive this information from yourconsoleme_iamroles_global global DynamoDB table to sync roles.

Every 45 minutes


Retrieves and caches a list of IAM principals and policies for the current account. Stores data in DynamoDB, Redis, and (optionally) S3.

On demand


Deletes IAM roles that haven't been updated in the last 6 hours.

Every 6 hours


Generates and caches the data needed to render the Policies Table.

Every 30 minutes


Reports metrics on when a celery task was last successful. These metrics are useful for alerting, and verifying the health of your ConsoleMe deployment.

Every minute



Retrieves a list of your AWS accounts and invokes a celery task ( cache_managed_policies_for_account ) for each account.

Every 45 minutes



Caches a list of IAM managed policies for the requested account. Used for the managed policy typeahead in the IAM policy editor.

On demand


Retrieves a list of your AWS accounts and invokes a celery task ( cache_s3_buckets_for_account ) for each account.

Every 45 minutes


Caches a list of S3 buckets for the requested account.

On demand


Retrieves a list of your AWS accounts and invokes a celery task ( cache_sqs_queues_for_account ) for each account.

Every 45 minutes


Caches a list of SQS queues for the requested account.

On demand


Retrieves a list of your AWS accounts and invokes a celery task ( cache_sns_topics_for_account ) for each account.

Every 45 minutes


Caches a list of SNS topics for the requested account.

On demand


Generates a ratio of IAM roles to max IAM roles for each of our accounts, and emits this as a metric that you can alert on.

Every 24 hours


Uses your internal logic to generate a mapping of recent cloudtrail errors by ARN. This is shown on the policy editor page to your end-users.

Every 1 hour



Retrieves a list of your AWS accounts and invokes a celery task ( cache_resources_from_aws_config_for_account ) for each account.

Every 1 Hour


Caches all of your policy requests from DynamoDB to Redis. Used by the /requests endpoint.

Every 1 Hour


Retrieves and caches details about your AWS accounts. Retrieval depends on configuration.

Every 1 Hour



Generates and caches a mapping of groups/users to IAM roles. This is used to determine authorization for role credentials.

Every 5 minutes

Last updated