Managing Dependencies

To know about the required dependencies, their minimum required versions check the requirements*.txt files. Whenever we pin to a specific version in requirements*.in, we add a comment explaining why we are doing so. We also have comments on their use.

All the required dependencies for running pip-compile are in pip-tools ( which installs pip-compile command.

To install or update all dependencies

Note : The pip-compile command lets you compile a requirements*.txt from your dependencies, specified in either or requirements*.in. So, ensure you don’t have requirements.txt if you compile or requirements*.in from scratch, otherwise, it might interfere. You can also specify a file name other than requirements.txt in the following command.

To compile all dependencies run

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt

To update all dependencies; Install GNU Make and periodically run

make up-reqs

To install all dependencies to your local environment run

pip-sync requirements*.txt

To add a specific new dependency

To compile a specific dependency run

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt [package_name] --no-emit-index-url

Replace [package_name] with the dependency name you want from requirements.txt file.

Whenever we pin to a specific version in requirements*.in, we add a comment explaining why we are doing so. You can also specify the version you want to compile by running.

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt [package_name]==[package_version] --no-emit-index-url

Example of bcrypt package

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt bcrypt==3.2.0 --no-emit-index-url

To update a specific dependency

Note : Make sure you check the requirements*.in file comments before you change the version.

To update a specific package to the latest version use the --upgrade-package or -P flag:

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt --upgrade-package [package_name]

Replace [package_name] with the dependency name you want from requirements.txt file.

Whenever we pin to a specific version in requirements*.in, we add a comment explaining why we are doing so. You can also specify the version you want to upgrade to by running.

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt --upgrade-package [package_name]==[package_version]

Example of bcrypt package

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt --upgrade-package bcrypt==3.2.0

You can combine --upgrade and --upgrade-package in one command, to provide constraints on the allowed upgrades. For example to upgrade all packages whilst constraining bcrypt to the latest version less than 3.0:

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt --upgrade --upgrade-package 'bcrypt<3.0'

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