Here are step-by-step directions for configuring Cognito as an identity provider in ConsoleMe:
Sign in to AWS, visit Cognito, and create a new User Pool
Under App Clients, click "Add an app client"
We've selected
, and left the other settings as defaults
Click "Review", give your pool a name if you haven't already, and click "Create Pool".
Go back to "App Integration" -> "App Client Settings", enable "Cognito Identity Pool" as a valid Identity Provider, and configure the following urls under callback urls:
http://localhost:8081/auth, http://localhost:8081/oauth2/idpresponse,http://localhost:3000/auth, http://localhost:3000/oauth2/idpresponse
Allowed OAuth flows
, selectAuthorization code grant
Allowed OAuth Scopes
, selectemail
, andprofile
.Create a test user and test group under
Users and Groups
.Change other settings as needed to satisfy your security and authorization needs.
Make a ConsoleMe configuration. You can do this by copying example_config/example_config_oidc_cognito_all_in_one.yaml to a directory of your choice and changing the various values in that file to suit your needs. The key values to change are:
oidc_secrets.client_id = Client ID in Cognito (App Clients -> App Client ID)
oidc_secrets.secret = Client Secret in Cognito (App Clients -> App Client Secret)
oidc_secrets.client_scope = List of Scopes granted to the App integration in Cognito. Usually email and openid,
get_user_by_oidc_settings.jwt_groups_key = 'cognito:groups`
get_user_by_oidc_settings.metadata_url = The metadata URL of your Cognito Pool. Usually this is the following (Replace
with your own pool ID):get_user_by_oidc_settings.access_token_audience = This must be set to
, because the access token provided by Cognito does not include an audience.
Start yarn or build the Frontend files for Tornado to serve
In the
directory, runyarn
yarn start
to have the frontend served by Yarn onhttp://localhost:3000
. The backend API endpoints will be served by Python (Tornado) onhttp://localhost:8081
yarn build:prod
to build the frontend files and put them in a location for the backend to serve. ConsoleMe will be accessible onhttp://localhost:8081
Start ConsoleMe by setting the CONFIG_LOCATION environment variable and running
with Python in your virtualenv (This was created in the Local Quick Start guide)
Visit http://localhost:3000 (if serving via Yarn), or http://localhost:8081 (If you built the frontend files to serve via Tornado) to test.
Last updated