
Here are step-by-step directions for configuring Okta as an identity provider in ConsoleMe:

  1. Sign up for an Okta account, or sign in to your existing account

  2. Visit Applications -> "Create App Integration"

  1. Create the integration with redirect URIs (for local testing) of http://localhost:3000/auth and http://localhost:8081/auth and save.

  1. Click Okta API Scopes and add okta.groups.read and okta.users.read.self

  1. Make a ConsoleMe configuration. You can do this by copying example_config/example_config_oidc_all_in_one.yaml to a directory of your choice and changing the various values in that file to suit your needs. The key values to change are:

  • oidc_secrets.client_id = Client ID in Okta

  • oidc_secrets.secret = Client Secret in Okta

  • oidc_secrets.client_scope = List of Scopes granted to the App integration in Okta

  • get_user_by_oidc_settings.resource = Name of the App Resource in Okta

  • get_user_by_oidc_settings.metadata_url = The metadata URL of your Okta App Integration. Usually this is one of the following:

    • https://YOURDOMAIN.okta.com/oauth2/default/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server

    • https://YOURDOMAIN.okta.com/oauth2/default/.well-known/openid-configuration

  1. Start yarn or build the Frontend files for Tornado to serve

  • In the consoleme/ui directory, run yarn

  • Run yarn start to have the frontend served by Yarn on http://localhost:3000. The backend API endpoints will be served by Python (Tornado) on http://localhost:8081.

  • Run yarn build:prod to build the frontend files and put them in a location for the backend to serve. ConsoleMe will be accessible on http://localhost:8081.

  1. Start ConsoleMe by setting the CONFIG_LOCATION environment variable and running consoleme/__main__.py with Python in your virtualenv (This was created in the Local Quick Start guide)

export CONFIG_LOCATION=/location/to/your/config.yaml
python /location/to/consoleme/__main__.py
  1. Visit http://localhost:3000 (if serving via Yarn), or http://localhost:8081 (If you built the frontend files to serve via Tornado) to test.

Last updated