AWS Console Login
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ConsoleMe offers a few different ways for your users to log into the AWS Console:
The role selection screen is a configurable view showing the IAM roles that a user is eligible to get credentials for, and allowing them to sign in to the AWS Console with those roles.
The description on the top can be catered to your organization's needs. For example, you could provide context about your different AWS accounts, or describe how users can request access to different IAM roles in your environment.
The links for the role names will take the user to that role's policy editor page in ConsoleMe. This is where the user can view permissions associated with the role and request additional IAM permissions for the role.
In the upper-left corner of the landing page, we a show a user the five most recent roles that they've logged in to. You can change the view here to show a role's full ARN, or show the account name/ID along with the role name.
Users can integrate ConsoleMe with other tools as well, such as Alfred/Albert, Slack, or a custom browser search engine to quickly log into a role or navigate to a resource.
Check out the video below for examples: